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    Toyota Aristo v300

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  1. I'm just gonna leave this here for information: I found this which tells that the jdm ecu doesn't have the VIN inside the eeprom. I guess I got a good reading on both all the time then. I'll update this if it works when we finally got the engine hooked up . ----------- Hey guys, amazing tutorial. I'm doing a copy of the immobilizer for a friend from a 2003 Legacy BL5 B4 GT ecu to an for the hz30 h6 engine. Doing a backup from the h6 works just fine, got a clean read with the vin 3 times in there. Now reading the eeprom from the original ej20 ecu, I get some confusing outcomes. The first 32 bytes getting read but after that, nothing gets read correctly but the FF at byte 0x66 to 0x6b. I checked the wiring like a 100 times, cleaned off the eeprom and double-checked if the h6 still gets read correctly. The ej20 ecu uses an L56R eeprom, the h6 a 93c56 chip. I use the zip for Windows, which got posted here too. I also saw that the Capacitor C467 which connects 5v to GND right next to eeprom is missing - there was never any soldered onto, the board got quiet a lot of free solderpads. But such a Capacitor is mounted on the h6 ecu - Do they actually do a job like cleaning up some noice which can cause missreads? I attached an image for reference. It seems like either something is wrong/missing in the code for the L56R (which should be compatible with the 93c56) someone messed with the immobilizer on the ej20 ecu or the eeprom itself is broken. The car ran perfectly on the ej20 ecu until we pulled the engine in December.Do you have any ideas? I also have an esp32 lying around here; maybe there's something more suitable library available for the L56R. Thanks h
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