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Everything posted by Marcindublin

  1. Hi There, fellow Legacy owners. I was hoping to crowdsource a solution to a problem I had today. I got gas, got back in the car and put my foot on the break, pressed the start button and... nothing. The car wouldn't start although all of the electronics were working fine and no error messages shows up. The two symptoms were first, the steering wheel wouldn't turn easily and second, the break pedal was very stiff. The manual hinted that the steering wheel might be locked and that I had to turn it left and right while pressing the start button. It wasn't totally clear on how or why this was going to much of anything and in any event, it didn't work, at least not right away. After starting the process of getting the car towed to the dealer, I tried the whole left/right/start thing again and thankfully it worked after the 4th or 5th time and the car was fine after that. So, my question is an easy one - what happened and how can I stop it from happening again? The manual makes it sound like some kind of security feature but the fob was readily available. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you!
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