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Posts posted by Deltaking

  1. So Fuel Pump, Injects and VVTs have been replaced. Still sit with the one issue where the car takes 5 secs to start after standing (When cold) once warm it start immediately like normal. Can't isolate it as I pulled the pump again and saw nothing wrong with the installation... Unless I've got vacuum on the pipes which connect to the top of the pump housing... but that still wouldn't explain the issue only occurring on cold start would it?

    Also I broke this part along the way, so brittle and so old... (Part Number: 11852AA091)

    Was wondering if I couldn't just replace it with 3 pipes and a T to go to the manifold and be done with it. Availability yet another issue. Pipes are also pretty cracked coming from the heads to this hard plastic pipe.


  2. So I replaced the VVTs a few day and my throttle response is much better. What I find interesting is that the part number which was in my vehicle does not match the part number Subaru gives me.

    Original VVTs - AA0800871 

    Subaru Part Number - AA08091724 / 10921AA080

    So was the incorrect part installed on my car all a long or am I missing something?

  3. 2 hours ago, Infosecdad said:

    That generally means the fuel isn't staying in the lines and is draining back toward the pump. If you let it sit a couple of hours, turn the key on, and wait for the full gauge sweep before starting (to give the pump time to refill the lines), does it start any faster?

    I will try this and see, will need to check later or tomorrow and see what happens :D

  4. So now I have this strange issue... not so much an issue but its strange. If the car stands overnight and I try to start it for the first time it takes a while before it starts. Noted I replaced the injectors and the fuel pump. I suspect that on first start it might be flooding the motor (Or delay with the pump maybe) but not sure as it only happens after the car stands for a good few hours. Happened yesterday and this morning. 

    If it does it and I immediately switch the car off and back on again it doesn't happen again??? 

  5. That would be perfect, I can either 3D print those again or just get them from the store down the road depending on the ID and OD. I think in this case its going to be cheaper to buy (Locally) then to design and 3D print.

    I was thinking that I may as well just replace the fuel pump tomorrow since I have it, seems to be a fairly easy/quick job (Or am I fooling myself???). My tank is just above 1/4 from empty so thinking its the optimum time to just get it done.

  6. I like I like, turbo blanket added to list. I run 90 deg Celsius everyday all day no matter how I drive.

    My pure and main issue is the fact that a got the car secondhand and I know it wasn't taken care of as it should have been, the car was definitely in a good condition but its the small things like the VVTs which cost a bit which were not attended to. I was told by the owner that the intercooler was replaced (a year ago) but it looked like it was 10 years old with corrosion so I suspect it was secondhand hence I just replaced it again and have that one as a spare. I removed one of the VVTs a few moments ago and saw that it had some gasket sealant on it so I suspect they did something there as the sealant is over the entire surface which meets the block (Should have taken a photo). 

    • Like 1
  7. Ah ok let me see what I can do, thanks a lot all for the assist on this one. I will add it to my list of replacement parts in the mean time, I need to first recover from the knocks I took over the last 2 months. Luckily I don't have an error just an irritation with the random jerk.

    So what I have left on my list is:

    VVT Solenoids x2 (May just clean out the originals and see if it helps in the meantime)

    IC Hose to Throttle body

    Optional thoughts of replacing:

    Radiator to All metal

    Radiator hose replacement

    General hose replacements


    • Like 1
  8. No those were the stock ones I got pulled out of the car, I just replaced them with Denso again. I haven't upgraded the injectors yet. One was pushing 32ml while the others were pushing 30ml so just replaced them all because of age.

    This is the Subi part number 16611AA72A just looks like a Denso to me

  9. 6 minutes ago, KZJonny said:

    Sincerely not trying to be stupid, but what exactly does that mean?

    Around here there is OE/Subaru and everything else. Things like "meets OE standards" do not count in the former category.


    I do second getting OE Subaru OCV solenoids. I ended up throwing out the newish ones I picked up from a reputable parts supplier, and they were not the cheapest available. Once I got an AP, I could see they were pretty our of synch with one another. I pulled a set from a scrapyard GT and even ones of unknown mileage performed much better, and were +/- 1% of each other out the gate.

    My understanding is OEM includes the Brand "Subaru" the OE is just the part without the brand. What I have found on most of the vehicle are parts with no branding or part numbers. Only thing thus far were the injectors which were Denso. I got bought it secondhand so I have no clue what should have a brand/part number on it if any of the parts at all...

  10. 4 minutes ago, KZJonny said:

    Okay.... Canada is cold, but not like "can't drive all year" ;)

    Just that if you like a car, and want it not to rot away due to rust, the actual season for driving is not a full year... if you know what I mean.


    Now, it is still really fun to throw some studded tires on a rear wheel drive junker and go be a hero doing doughnuts in the snow in a parking lot, but most of us who really like their cars here have a 'winter beater'. Something that can eat salt and sand and won't cry too much when there are holes in the floors, or a subframe rots out and condemns the car.

    Geez that's hectic lol, worst for me was living by the ocean which killed 2 of my vehicles due to rust... Everything was rusted... 

  11. 19 minutes ago, KZJonny said:

    Too right man. And I find it annoying importing stuff to Canada. I can't imagine trying to buy from the North America to ship abroad.

    I too appreciate having everything you want to hand when you're doing a job, but I suppose I kind of go the other way. I buy the sales and things I want/need, then schedule a day to do the work when I am looking at a pile of speed parts all in one place. I want to say my clutch kit was on a shelf for 1.5 years waiting for install. The AOS was probably almost 2 years. Lol!

    But since driving season here is only ~ half the year, and I have lots of other go fast stuff, it's a bit less painful having to put off those installs. I would assume that you have salt-free roads like.... 365 days a year.

    Yup, its either a mountain fire or some of the roads being flooded by the sea... But either way you can drive 365 days a year. Just love the mountain drives with this car, its really something else.

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