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Everything posted by GeoNV

  1. oh man that's painful. When I was in auto shop in highschool one of the teachers would only ever add oil to his motor and never changed it. We went to drain the oil and had to puncture the glop to allow the oil to drain. when we pulled the valve covers off you could see the chevrolet logo mirrored in the sludge between the rocker arms. brutal.
  2. Hey, I've heard lots of different reasons people spun bearings and lots of theories on how to prevent it- but I'm hoping people who've spun a bearing wouldn't mind doing a survey for me- if we get enough responses it would be pretty cool to see what common threads are there! Take the Survey Here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JR2Z3DW Results here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-SJ9KSJS57/
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