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Oil leak or normal clutch dust?


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Well after many hours I finally got it apart.

Now I am starting to question if I should do more (rear seal, separator plate, ??) while I have it apart.


Anyone out there who has had their trans out.

Is this just normal clutch dust after 75k miles or am I leaking some where slightly?

There was some fluffy black build up on the rear seal which I had wiped off already.

Is there other things I should be doing while the trans is out and I have access to this area.

Will be pulling intercooler, turbo and exhaust at a later date after the new clutch is broke in. Just won't be pulling the trans any time soon.

I hope...........


Thanks for you input.




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Here's mine, I had no thoughts of any oil leaking from the rear main. I did have a small leak from the right valve cover. You can also see the grease from when the left inner CV boot tore and spit grease every where, 2 years ago.



305,600miles 5/2012 ej257 short block, 8/2011 installed VF52 turbo, @20.8psi, 280whp, 300ftlbs. (SOLD).  CHECK your oil, these cars use it.


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