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Cigarette 12v Outlet?

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it wouldn't, as ssbtech correctly suggests. I also assume you mean 15A not 15v for the fuse type... but don't increase the fuse value or you will be in trouble, however I'd be surprised if it wasn't a 15A or more already because it's for a cigarette lighter! they glow red hot when used!


When does the fuse blow, when the accessory is in the socket or when the socket is empty or at all times? If the accessory (and if it's just a car GPS) blows the fuse then there's something wrong with that, if it was a heavy duty accessory but then any car accessory should be rated to work with standard outlets properly.


If it blows when it's empty then you need to disconnect the socket and inspect it for shorts - check to see if the fuse blows when you have it removed - is it the one up front (easy) or the one in the middle console box? (more tricky) with one removed you can determine where the problem is and you need to isolate the component that has shorted and try and fix it or replace it. Upping the fuse is not the answer and will just result in more problems... fire? It's not impossible - that's a lot of amps...

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Whatever you do, don't up-rate the fuse :eek: It's there to protect the wiring in the car.


Which accessory socket are you using? The one by the shifter or the one in the console bin?


The cigarette lighter by the shifter is on a 10A fuse, the one in the bin is on a 20A fuse and shares the fuse with the one in the trunk, if so equipped.

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Whatever you do, don't up-rate the fuse :eek: It's there to protect the wiring in the car.


Which accessory socket are you using? The one by the shifter or the one in the console bin?


The cigarette lighter by the shifter is on a 10A fuse, the one in the bin is on a 20A fuse and shares the fuse with the one in the trunk, if so equipped.


quick hijack, sorry OP.


so the one in my bin isn't working. probably just a fuse, is it labeled in the owners manual? I have no 12v in the trunk, does the bin 12v share the fuse with anything else?



"Remember Danny - Two wrongs don't make a right but three rights make a left."
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