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Aftermarket HU compatible with stock sub? (2.5i question)


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Is the stock subaru subwoofer compatible with an aftermarket HU install? I have the 2.5i (manual HVAC controls) with a Pioneer HU and Alpine speakers, but I want a little more bass without losing space. One possible option is the stock sub.


I did some searching on here- does it work with an aftermarket HU, assuming that I used the proper wiring harness to install the HU (meaning, no cut-and-splice install)? I know I will need the factory sub harness, if this has a shot at working.

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Yes, it will work, as long as you're using a HU that has speaker-level outputs (a few HUs don't -- they only have line-level outs).


If you don't already own the OEM sub, they're not worth the price new. Consider one of the many aftermarket under-seat subs. Most of those have RCA line-level inputs, which is a better way to connect it. Plus, many HUs have separate sub outputs and let you adjust the level.

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