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Should I send the oil to blackstone?

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Wait for the next change at the very least, seafoaming skews the results and you won't know for sure what you're looking for. I would actually not send in an analysis for two oil changes, not just one.
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  • 2 years later...

I realize this is an old thread but was searching for a place to put my analysis and saw it.


I sea foamed a car then sent in oil, I specifically asked them if they could detect any and they could not. So I think it's an urban myth myself. One I admittedly believed too. As long as by seafoamed you mean put it down the throttlebody (intake) and not in the oil like some people do. If you put it in the oil then all bets are off :)


2019 Imp Sport 5 Dr (Mine) 2013 Outback Premium (Wife's)

2010 Legacy 3.6R (Son), 2001 Forester S (other son)

1999 Miata (my summer ride)

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If I could get to the analysis from work I'd post a link but it's blocked from work. If I had my druthers I'd just as soon not send a recently sea-foamed motor in but like I said, nothing showed up on the analysis according to Blackstone. Granted this was with my Miata that has 116K miles on it but I can't imagine it would be different on a scooby.


edit: Here is the link to the analysis when I used seafoam:




2019 Imp Sport 5 Dr (Mine) 2013 Outback Premium (Wife's)

2010 Legacy 3.6R (Son), 2001 Forester S (other son)

1999 Miata (my summer ride)

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