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Rear left strut - brake line removal

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Hi everyone -

I started to taking off the rear left strut, removed the seat, found the top of strut. Car up, wheel off etc etc. 90 percent done with the removal THEN couldn't figure out how the Brake line comes of the strut! On the new Strut, there is an opening to slide in the brake line, but on the original, NO OPENING. Please anyone? Car in driveway!

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your username answers the question.. but you may want to point it out anyway what year you're isntalling on.


2005+ LGTs the rear brake hoses have nothing to do with the rear struts. They come in up the front link.


you MAY be able to find a service manual or something along those lines around here..


not sure about that for 97s.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
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I know some cars have a clip holding the lines in. If that's like what you've got, you have to hammer / pry the clip out.


It sort of looks like this (ascii style):








Where the vertical is the line and the horizontal is where the line is fastened. The forward slash represents where the clip is, that'd need to be knocked out to release the line

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