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Some logs and cruise knock


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I'm seeing some consistent knock around 3k rpms at .5-.7 g/rev and wanted to get some input from others. I've attached one short log where I was driving fairly steadily in 4th gear at around 3k rpms and watched knock sum continue to rise. I've also attached a 3rd and 4th gear WOT log, which are knock free. Anyone have any thoughts?


This is an 08 spec b, running a mickeyd stage2 base map via OS tuning. The base map was actually developed on this car, though it was considerably colder at that time.




LearningView_4-13-2009 6 37 53 PM.csv

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Not sure if it's this issue and don't have time to look at logs real carefully, but...some low load knock is pretty common, not necessarily that big a deal (but I'm no expert). You can try to tune it out at the spots...mine was from about 2400 to 4400 rpms at loads from 0.25 to 1.0. Find all the knock "events" and see exactly what rpm and load they occur at, and see if those spots are consistent. I can also be just as you roll on the throttle or roll off if I remember right. Are you editing maps yourself?


I think the more important thing is your WOT are "knock free".

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I just got done adjusting out my cruise knock too. I had a spot between 2400-2800RPMs and between .60-1.0 load. I ended up dropping a couple of degrees across the area and now I'm knock free again. It's not quite as easy to catch as WOT knock. You got to do some long logs where you can be in third or fourth at about 2200RPMs and then just give it a little pedal and run it up to 3K RPMs and back down then give it a little more and run it up again... Then just feather the pedal up and down a bit around that 2700RPM area and you should catch it. Mine were at .79 and .90 load and would only pop if I was hitting the pedal just right.
Let's kick this pig!
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