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Grandpa's Eye Kit / Sideview mirror removal


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I just got my SAA (Subaru Auto Accessories) Grandpa's Eye Kit from JapanParts.com and installed them. I couldn't find a walk through for removing the side view mirrors, so I put this together.


Note: this was done on an '07 GT. I don't know if this procedure is the same for '08 and up since they have different mirror assemblies.

I am also not responsible for any damages caused to your car, you, yada, yada, yada.


JapanParts P/N 107-021-003



Tools Required

1). Small Flathead Screwdriver

2). #2 Philips Screwdriver

3). Needlenose Pliers


1). Remove mirror. Push the mirror all the way up so the bottom side has way more gap. Insert Small Flathead Screwdriver under the mirror to separate the white backing plate from the notches on the mirror. They are shown as the RED ARROWS on images Slide1 and Slide2. After they pop out, rotate the mirror up as far as you can and then jiggle it down and out so that the top hooks pop out.


2). Remove the cap. Insert the Small Flathead Screwdriver into the seam between the cap and the turn signal lens. Be careful prying this apart because the plastic clips are fragile and can break. Slide2 shows 3 of the 7 (Blue arrows) clips, from the inside, that need to be popped out.


3). Remove turn signal lens. Remove the turn signal lens by removing the 3 screws (YELLOW ARROWS) and disconnecting the wire harness (ORANGE ARROW) in Slide2 and Slide3. Pull the lens out. Some weather stripping will also be holding the unit in place.


4). Installation is opposite of removal. Place Grandpa's Eye Kit into place and install the 3 screws that were removed in Step 3 and hook up wire harness. Make sure that the weather stripping is in place.


Pop cap into place.


Reinstall mirror. Pop the hooked upper part of the mirror into the white backing plate. I found it was easier to rotate the mirror all the way to the outside to get the inside hook first, then rotate mirror to the inside to get the outside hook in. After the top is in place, place the screwdriver behind the white backing plate and press the bottom hooks of the mirror firmly into place.


5). Test mirrors to ensure that they are working properly.


Enjoy! :wub:







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DeGioia - I tried smoking them before but with horrible results. I guess I got a little impatient trying to get the film on and burned through it with the heat gun trying to get it on around that joggle area. And I was trying to get some more but still haven't heard back from the vendor so I went with these. They aren't cheap, but I was already ordering things from JapanParts so there wasn't much shipping impact. Oh, and I saw your grille thread, you did a kick ass job on that!


Jurz -You mean when the lights are blinking? They still blink amber through the blue lens. Maybe tonight I'll try and get a night time picture.

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thanks. just for a future reference you can tint plastic with RIT dye. you can get it at walmart. its a laundry dye for cloths. just boil pot of water mix the dye in and put the part in for anywhere from 10 to 30 mins depending on how tinted you want it. i saw a writeup a few years ago on a different forum.
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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...
Or you can use VHT nightshades spray tint. Ive tinted tons of lens's this way over the years. Works amazing, and you you control the darkness with how many layers you apply. Anything from a light smoke to complete black, light still shines through without any problems.
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  • 4 months later...
+1 for the VHT nite shades, super easy to apply, looks great, and you choose exactly how tinted you want it. i just did my tail lights, only about $10 for a can and it goes a longgg way.
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different.... but, yeah, blue lenses on a vehicle is just a big heat score.


Hope you don't get hassled by the police.



If you ever get hassaled just say, "sir, this a Subaru Legacy GT. It comes from the factory this way."

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  • 2 months later...
I needed to replace the turn signal since mine broke after clipping a truck. I couldn't pry the mirror off the clips without it feeling like the entire mirror would rip off along with the motor assembly. I left it in place and just removed the scalp cap and was still able to access the screw behind the mirror just by aiming the mirror all the way up.
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  • 1 year later...
thanks. I wrecked my wing mirror vasing about a year ago and did not want to spend £350 for new mirror. Finally got a secondhand one from ebay and changed the cover to match the colour following your instructions. Well done!
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i hit a mailbox a few years ago with my passenger mirror... how much should i estimate myself for cost on the new light fixture like the blue changeout, and the actually mirror part... or do i just have to buy a new mirror?


the actual plastic casing around the mirror itself and the light is perfectly fine... just cracked light, and cracked actual reflector.


but this looks sweet, i might just swap out both of mine. thanks for the post

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