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Question about COBB AP v1


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Im in the process of buying a AP v.1, and I had aquestion. The seller said something about a firmware update... are there any needed updates on the AP through cobb? And if so, would I need to send the AP into cobb to have them update it etc, or can I download myself from a cable and my computer? For reference, if it matters, the AP was on a 06 LGT 5mt, and is going on a 05 LGT 5mt.



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You might want to look into that a little further. I believe that the v1 AP was year-specific as well as tranny-specific so I don't think an 06 will work on your 05.


I could be wrong, but I don't think so. That's one of the things that made the v2 more versatile, works on all 05-07 or something like that depending on model # you buy and is therefore 'less' year specific.


As for software/firmware updates, my understanding is that most all of it can be done online and downloaded at home as long as the AP is unmarried. If not unmarried (bricked) it would have to be sent to Cobb and they charge to unlock it.


Been trying to find a v1 for my 05 5EAT, so have done a little research myself.


Good luck though.

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