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The Class Room Debate


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In a Seattle Washington college classroom, they were discussing the qualifications to be President of the United States . It was pretty simple - the candidate must be a natural born citizen of at least 35 years of age.

However, one girl in the class immediately started in on how unfair was the requirement to be a natural born citizen. In short, her opinion was that this requirement prevented many capable individuals from becoming president. The class was taking it in and letting her rant, but everyone's jaw hit the floor when she wrapped up her argument by stating, 'What makes a natural born citizen any more qualified to lead this country than one born by C-section?'

Yep, these are the 18 year olds that just voted for the President of The United States.




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In a Seattle Washington college classroom, they were discussing the qualifications to be President of the United States . It was pretty simple - the candidate must be a natural born citizen of at least 35 years of age.

However, one blonde female in the class immediately started in on how unfair was the requirement to be a natural born citizen. In short, her opinion was that this requirement prevented many capable individuals from becoming president. The class was taking it in and letting her rant, but everyone's jaw hit the floor when she wrapped up her argument by stating, 'What makes a natural born citizen any more qualified to lead this country than one born by C-section?'

Yep, these are the 18 year olds that just voted for the President of The United States.


Fixored ;):lol:

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See! This is the problem with education today. The requirement was modified in the 14th amendment defined natural as "Born in the United States" ETC in the 14th amendment.:lol:


Talk about uninformed citizens. Golly who would fall for such a stupid joke!:rolleyes:;)

"Belief does not make truth. Evidence makes truth. And belief does not make evidence."
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