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dead battery

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Boosted just fine with my neighbor's car. I knew it already, but I'm glad Subaru stuck with the traditional battery location/posts.


Same goes for the rest of the car really. Long-term as I learn about Subarus, should make things easier when it comes time for DIY situations.


One of the reasons I cringe at German cars with similar performance.


Anyway, just rambling my way to 2000 posts.




You know it's time for an Optima! I tossed the stock battery maybe 6 months ago, mostly so I'd never get corrosion on the battery cables.


As far as long-term maintenance, I've never seen a starter that was easier to reach -- same goes for clutch slave cylinder!


I tossed my factory subaru battery after it died twice on me, got a replacement from costco, unfort they didn't have the proper Optima battery to fit subarus.




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