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My Subaru Is Making A Strange Noise, I Can't Find The Reason (EZ30)

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My Subaru is a 2008 Legacy with an EZ30 engine, and it's making a noise I can't figure out why. The noise is on the left side (looking at the engine from the front), on the side where the air filter is located. The noise occurs below the intake manifold, and it appears when the air conditioning compressor activates, however the noise is on the opposite side where the compressor is. I have already changed the belt of accessories, pulleys and others, but nothing solved this noise. Another detail is that sometimes even with the air compressor activated the noise does not appear. In person it sounds a lot like a compression sound being lost. I recorded a video and posted it on YouTube, link below:



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I guess I'll reply to the one that is probably in the most correct forum.  I don't think this is a warranty issue(being an ez30) or a rebuild question.

While you're hearing the noise, touch the solenoids/sensors you see.  You should be able to feel the one making the noise.


So... how many six cylinder Subaru's are in Brazil?

Edited by silverton
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Hello my friend, yes I'm from Brazil, here there are Legacy and Outback subarus with 6 cylinder engines from the 2007 to 2009 generation. About the noise, I've already looked at everything, but unfortunately I don't find the problem, now I just need to dismantle the intake manifold to see if you can find any cracks at the bottom of it or something underneath.

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10 hours ago, silverton said:

Parece profundo, mas também sei que os ruídos nem sempre se traduzem bem em vídeos gravados. Tenho a sensação de que é a 'válvula solenóide de controle de purga', item nº 6 no diagrama.


thank you, I believe that is the same problem, I will change this part, in another forum they sent me the link of 2 parts that could be exchanged, I will send you the link and you confirm if they are the same ones you imagine,



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3 hours ago, silverton said:

A válvula PCV no EZ30/36 está na tampa da válvula do lado esquerdo, então não acho que seja isso que você está ouvindo aqui. a válvula PCV deve ser substituída a cada 30 a 60k milhas, mas o componente que eu suspeito é o solenóide.

Is this solenoid found in any of those ads I sent above?

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