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Clock runs slow...

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Small annoying problem but since I've had this car since new the clock always runs a minute slow...I don't drive it much anymore being retired but when I get in it I have to set the clock forward one or two minutes...Been like that for the last four years...Also the recirculating button will sometimes stop and I feel fresh air coming in so gotta press the button back on...Same thing since new....Just checking if anyone else has this small annoying problems.....
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"A man with one watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure." ~ fake Chinese proverb


Does your Legacy include NAV? If so, clock time is set by GPS. Is your head unit firmware up to date?

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." ~ The Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)


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Then it's normal that the time drifts. Same for me with my car.



But how big is the drift? 1 minute per month or 1 minute per day?



Personally I don't like the recirc at all, the air is never feeling fresh.

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Watch guy here. Any time keeping device that doesn’t sync to an outside source will have some errors and not keep perfect time. Considering you can’t sync the seconds on a cars clock to what the actual time is you don’t know exactly where you’re setting the time. So if your cars clock is only at 5 seconds past the minute and the real time is 55 seconds past the minute you’re way behind. If the quartz module in the car is running slow, then you’ll be falling behind and it will be more apparent.


Your average quartz watch is going to be plus or minus a second a day.

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Considering you can’t sync the seconds on a cars clock to what the actual time is you don’t know exactly where you’re setting the time.

The clocks in my 2015 Legacy and 2016 Outback, both without NAV, zero the seconds counter each time you press either the forward or back button. This makes it easy to set the clock within a second or two of exact time. FWIW, long-term drift is very low in both of our clocks. YMMV.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." ~ The Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)


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Even if an average quartz watch has like a second per day the temperature it works within is relatively stable. In a car the temperature swing is a lot greater which can cause it to have a lower precision. Varying voltage from the car battery is also a factor impacting the drift.




But it's unclear how much the drift is per day. Setting it one or two minutes each time might be OK if the car is used once per month.

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