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Roof Molding Came Off

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Going through the car wash one side of roof strip molding came off. It seems as though it snaps in place but it doesn’t seem secure. Is it possible that I need to purchase a new one or can I fix the snap/bracket? Thanks!
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Had the same issue happen on my car. It just snaps on, but if it came off, it's not likely to hold on well. It's a $30-$40 part at Subaru. I'd just go and buy a replacement part.



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Mine came off within couple months of buying the car. First Subaru said there was a clip missing, so they put one in. Second time it fell off, they replaced the part. The third time it fell off, they said there is nothing wrong with the part and that it's the fault of the car wash. As if the car isn't built to go through one. The car is one year old. So I would just pop the same part back in. It doesn't seem like it'll come off in situations other than car wash. But if you buy a new part as was suggested, you may end up with the same problem.
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