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Which Key Fob do I need?

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I bought my 2005 Legacy 2.5i Limited last year and it just came with 2 standard Subaru metal keys. Not a rubberhead with a chip, just 2 metal Subaru keys and no keyfobs. It does have an alarm as when I lock the doors and close them the car 'chirps' and the 'security' lights blinks. The alarm does activate as my kid tripped and fell into the car and it went off, but the alarm doesn't activate when I use my regular non-chip key to unlock the car, which is weird to me?


My question is that its time to buy a fob and I have NO idea which one to buy. There are 3 that I can find that apparently work for my car and I have searched amazon, eBay, keyfob specific sites (several of them) and lots of google searches. I get 3 kinds, 2 that are tear drop shaped and the only difference is one of them has a trunk button and one does not. And the third type is built into the head of a blank key with the lock/unlock buttons and a trunk button. Also I see they usually only say they're for Mexico or Japan but nothing for USA, which is where I live and Drive, does that matter?


I have NO idea if this car utilized the trunk button on the fob or not and/or how to go about finding out if it does or not? Its about a $15-$25 difference from what I can tell just to have a trunk button, and if it does use that button I'd prefer that over having to set everything down and use the floor lever but don't want to waste money on a button for it to not do anything.


Thank you for you help! Also, it doesn't have to be Subaru brand, I just want a couple fobs that work and last.

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It looks like he hasn't been active here in about 4-5 months, but you might want to pm lockmedic and ask if he can take a look at this thread. I remember him being very knowledgeable when it comes to this kind of stuff.



Someone else might know the answer as well, but thought I'd throw out that suggestion anyway.

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