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Engine Swap Advice?

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I did a quick search but didnt find a comprehensive guide to removing and rebuilding my ej25 on my subaru legacy 2.5 wagon. If anyone has a link to that it would be greatly appreciated. If it doesn't exist any advice would be appreciated. Any tools that wouldn't be in a standard 120 piece mechanics tool kit. My head gaskets went and I'm about to replace that but I figured I might as well do the rest of the seals. I'm planning on buying this kit https://www.partsology.com/dnj-fgs7015-full-gasket-sealing-set-ej25-ej253?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIiOjZ4bOF2AIVBLgbCh20XAY8EAQYASABEgKeVPD_BwE
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there are lots of headgaskets threads here read them. Don't be cheapo dummy and buy that 93$ kit. Get the 300$ oem kit from subaru.


Take the engine out of the car. dont do it in the car. If you dont have a impact your going to need a break bar to get the cam gears off.


Don't forget to send the heads to the machine shop and buy a torque wrench if you dont have one

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NP just do your research there is TONS of info on the internet about doing this. Youtube is good one how to take it apart but the forums is the best on what parts and stuff you should do


https://parts.bestbuysubaru.com/ is great place to buy parts. my local dealer ship always matches their prices. Just make sure you print out the parts you want.

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Subaru engines are simple. They can be taken apart and reassembled with no less than the following tools: Ratchet and Sockets, metric (8, 10, 12, 14, 17). Stock up on extra 10, 12, and 14mm as those are the most common ones you'll use. For the head bolts, you'll need 12 point sockets, preferably in the 1/2" variety; Philips and flathead screwdrivers; Torque wrench, Assorted pliers to remove hoses; Engine hoist and engine stand(the stand is optional, but very helpful). That is it. I rebuilt my first Subaru engine with a 130pc El-Cheapo tool set from Harbor Freight, a torque wrench, and a borrowed engine hoist.
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Do you have any engine rebuilding experience? The 2.5 SOHC isn't overly complicated but you do want to download a copy of the Factory Service Manual and read it carefully. The cam sprocket bolts can be done without an impact wrench but you will need some way to stop the sprocket from rotating while you remove the bolt. There are cam sprocket tools available for this that don't cost a ton of $$. I would recommend finding a machine shop familiar with Subaru to check the block bores if you are taking it down that far. A small, inch pound-range torque wrench along with a larger one. Aluminum is less forgiving if you over tighten bolts. It's pretty easy to strip threads but not a disaster, usually. Helicoil or equivalent if it happens... There are some very good Youtube videos on teardown and build up.
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