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P2138 limp mode

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Hey everyone,

This morning my check engine light came on and the car shut down into limp mode got it to the side of the road and scanned P2138, from what I've read it could be a funky connection, but I couldn't find much advice on how to go about getting to it. Any experience with this code or knowledge about this would be very helpful. Also it's been very cold up here in MT this week could that have something to do with it?

Thank you

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Make sure your floormat is bunched up under the accelerator pedal. I stopped to help a lady on the side of the highway in an OB and she said it wouldn't go. It had the P2138 code (always have my scanner with me) and she said it had been becoming worse and worse for past month.


I started the car and it idled fine. I pushed the pedal and it was very hard to push down at all, so I took a look and pulled about a foot of floor mat out from under the pedal and lo and behold, it was fixed.


Shut off the code and sent her on her merry way. Followed her about 4 miles down the highway and she put her thumbs up out the window as getting off an exit. I had to run hard to catch her too...LOL.

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