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Vacuum leak?

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Yesterday I took my car to Monroe to have a bolt taken off which they could not take it out.. now I noticed I had a rather lumpy idle.. I don’t know if it was because they used a torch on the up pipe? But now the car idles at -20inHg vs the -22inHg I had before.. if I take the idle to 2000 the vacuum gauge will read -22inHg so is this a vacuum leak? I’m going to assume any leak be it from the turbine area of the turbo won’t effect idle or vacuum?
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I’m looking at my wideband it’s now at idle around 15.5 where before it would run around 11-12 at idle (no oxygen sensor) so I have some leak coming with extra air or one of my fuel injectors is not spraying enough fuel? I checked all the lines twice so far and nothing popped off but I have to say it’s getting lower with the vacuum it could be when I tuned the injector for scaling I did one voltage range but I can’t see how things changed but then again my exhaust leak got worst after i took the car to the shop for the bolt.
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Could be the heat melted a hole in a rubber hose. Use brake clean or starter fluid and spray around hoses and connections in the engine compartment. If the idle spikes, you've found a leak. Be cognizant of fire risks.


Don't use Brake Cleaner, you can damage rubber and plastic. I have found using propane to be the best for this, ignites at a higher temperature too. And if you do manage to ignite its just a little flash and done.

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I think it might be the injectors.. looking at my AFR at idle it's jumping up and down about 2 points back when I changed the injector latency when I needed to idle I did it for 14V I think it was.. my guess is


1. A vac leak I over looked (I have a propane torch)

2. My voltage range changed and my injectors are on what would of been the stock as I changed only one range of voltage

3. A injector is not spraying right at idle..


Once you are off idle and over 2K it's rather normal idle is the issue I don't want to mess with much now until Friday well Saturday I can install new gaskets for the exhaust so I can take that out of the factor

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