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changing the catalytic converter.

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hello all,

Im new on this site, and would really like some info from my new friends here...I have a '05 non turbo Legacy. Base model

I am told i need new cat'... Im a do it yourselfer , and would like to change it out myself. am i correct in thinking corrctly, that its not too hard ? Basically remove the bolts at both ends ? are there any cross braces/ members that need to be removed also ?

thanks again all,


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Something you might want to consider, since you are wanting to DIY.


A DIY person can install a used catalytic converter (say from a similar car that was wrecked). The original equipment catalytic converters are better made than most of the aftermarket ones, and less expensive. The original equipment is intended to last at least ten years.


A shop has to comply with legal restrictions that force them to install new equipment. but you don't have that limitation.

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A shop doesn't have to install NEW equipment, but they DO have to install RECERTIFIED equipment. Recertified stuff is still pretty spendy.


A wrecker yard will also only sell you the cat converter components for "scrap use" unless they are recertifying them. But as long as you can buy them legally in your state, go grab 'em from a junk car and bolt 'em up.

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