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Popping Out Of 4th

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Good would be if there was a problem with how the shifter is coming up through the floor and boot, pushing it out. The trans mount can do this, and probably a couple other things. You can check for this by taking off the trim and boot and keeping an eye on it for a while.


Bad would be 4th gear synchro failing. Rebuild or replace the trans.

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i've been holding 4th in on my legacy for 30k miles or so just try to change my driving habits and only use it for acceleration. had a 96 impreza that i bought with the same issue for 800 but that only lasted 10k miles before the clutch would not release anymore. holding gears in is bad to do, shame me if you want, but if its already forsitzled it does more good than bad. Your mileage may vary.


is he having other issues, knotchy shifts? you could always drain it to see if there is an abnormal amount of metal shavings on the tranny drain plug which is also a magnet.

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Great article! Turns out I've been lumping the shift hub under the name synchro since they look kinda like an assembly. I didn't know there was a separate name for that part.


Anyway, sounds like the shift hub is not so much at fault as movement that allows the shift hub to disengauge. Possibly good news for the blown up trans I have. I always knew I had a damaged bearing in it. That article explains how that produces the symptoms I was having.


So OP, shift hub or internal bearings would be the bad news, and mounting problems would be the good news.

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