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Auto start is stopped but the radio remains on

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2018 HU automatically turn the radio on even though you turn it off as soon the Vehicle is ready to start.


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Laughing at Oneself and with Other is good for the Soul😆
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Shifter in Neutral instead of Park?


It won't auto start if the shifter is not in park.


OP: Are you sitting in the car and auto starting?


I did notice that in the '15-'17s the radio turns off as soon as you turn off the ignition, but on the '18 the radio stays on till you open the door to get out (or I'm sure there is a pre-set timer after which it turns off). kinda like the newer fords and chevys.

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wife's 2017 Impreza doesn't turn off the radio until you open the door.

Yep, after remote start/remote stop - standing outside the vehicle - engine is off, lights off - the radio playing - you have to walk over to the car and open the door to turn off the radio - this baffles me!

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Dang, I ordered Remote Start with my 2018 3.6R and I'm gettin' confused...


How long will the car run before it shuts itself Off? Does the Radio stay on after the 'timed' shutdown?


The 2017 Honda I just sold had Remote start and the Radio didn't come on at all, only the Climate Control... After 10 minutes without entering the car, the whole car shut down and remained Locked...

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My 2017 came with factory remote start.


It runs 15 min., then shuts down. The radio etc. are all off when the timeout ends.

The previous settings on climate remain in effect so heater, defrost etc. all activate in previous settings before you exited the car. The radio will come on regardless when the car starts.... Now maybe 2018 is different?

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The time that it runs is programmable. IIRC, You have to turn the ignition ON-OFF 3 times then leave it in ON and then the horn will beep. 1 beep- 3min, 2 beeps - 5 min, 3 beeps - 10 min and 4 beeps - 15 min.

To cycle through the time, you need to open and close the door within 30 sec of doing the ON-OFF thing.

This was the case with the push button. I'd assume its the same for keyed ignition, but I could be wrong.


Yes, the 2018 radio is different. It does not turn off until the driver side door is opened. I guess they overlooked the remote start part when they added on the "new" feature.

I'm sure it has a timer to not kill the battery. I just didn't have the loaner long enough to try it out.

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