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Hello all, excuse my ignorance, but it wasnt until recently that i decided to start doing mods to my car. At first it was mostly just for looks, but now im more interested in bettering its performance. Can someone explain to me what tuning means? and how can i start?



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Below is a link to a search of the 5th Gen Section on "tuning 2.5i". Start reading the threads, and please learn to use the search function. You will learn massive amounts of things.



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Adding this since I had typed it earlier but I forgot to hit post.


Tuning is where you access the ECU or Engine Control Unit of your car and give it instructions to change timing, fuel levels, and other things to allow the engine to perform differently. Most people tune for more power. In order to tune you need to have a computer that connects to your car. AccessPort and Tactrix are the two most popular. You will then need the tuning software on a computer so you can create tunes to load onto your car with the computer. I highly suggest you don't do this because there is a good chance you will blow up your engine. Try finding an etuner (someone who writes tunes for you through email) or a local tuning shop and pay good money because no matter how expensive the tune, it's cheaper than a new car.

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