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P0817 and C0108

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2005 LGT with 5EAT

Drove about 20 miles last night, parked for about 20 minutes and restarted, made it a block or two and noticed a CEL and flashing cruise. Car drove normally and started fine, used the fuse box diagnostic connector to pull

P0700 tcu code

P0817 park sensor switch

c0108 left front wheel speed sensor fault


I can still use sport mode and manually shift

No other faults or indicator lights

I checked the fuse under hood and it's good


Anything else to check? Or just clear the codes and see what happens?

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There are only a few front hubs that work on these cars, most don't work.




post 162.

305,600miles 5/2012 ej257 short block, 8/2011 installed VF52 turbo, @20.8psi, 280whp, 300ftlbs. (SOLD).  CHECK your oil, these cars use it.


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