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I'm wanting to set up a four point harness because I'm a paraplegic and have no use of my core. When I corner, especially left, I almost land on the passenger seat. When I put my wheelchair in my car, I recline the driver's seat back and the passenger seat forward and lift it into the rear, passenger side seat so I would need to recline back. This kind of eliminates the option for a store-bought, harness bar. Do you guys have a solution so I could run a four point? I'm stumped.
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You could connect the harness to something on the back of the rear seats. Such as a custom bar that runs along the top of the rear seats or something. Any good welding shop can fabricate you something, just need to figure out where/how to mount the bar.
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I've no experience in this area, but want to say welcome aboard and props for tossing the LGT around despite what may be less than ideal circumstances.


This is a great community with a wealth of knowledge. That being said, this is the FS forum - you'll probably have better luck posting in the general 4th gen subforum or the Interior/audio subforum. There's also Regional forums - chances are, a fellow leggy owner is nearby and is more than willing to help out. Best of luck.

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^^^i used to have one of those when I autox'd and loved it. This might be a perfect solution for you actually. With that said, I don't know if the angle of the harness is ok for use on the street as it mounts low (to the rear seatbelts).


It may or may not be an issue for you as the general idea is you don't want to have low mounted harnesses in a crash as it could injure you due to improper loading (compressing you down instead of holding you back). Spinal compression is the downside from what I understand, so like I said, may or may not be an issue for you.

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another option is to use a seat with bigger side bolsters (like a sport driving seat - Recaro, Sparco, OMP, etc).


There a local track driver in Seattle who tracks his M3 and he's wheel chair bound. Although, now that I think about it, he has a 3/4 cage with full belts.


You don't give a location, so not much help to give you. Have you tried google/bing for sport driving options for paraplegic people? Also, look for a local race shop that sells seats/harnesses (you might to call a car club - Porsche/Audi/BMW - to get some references).


found 3 auto-racers who are paraplegic with links to their email or websites. I'm sure they'd be willing to give you advice:




and a website dedicated to motorsports for disabled - http://www.apparelyzed.com/forums/forum/49-disabled-motorsports/

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What are your thoughts on three point harnesses using the factory system?


not sure how this would work?


If you wanted a really simple system, there's the cam-lock setups. But those just lock the belt tensioner. The Schroth system could be road-driven (check with them to be sure). A harness bar with 6-point (if using a harness bar, the 6 point will prevent submarining (sliding out the bottom) would be a very good setup, however, in a rollover, you'd be hurt (or dead). Also, in a side collision, your head would be moving at a different rate than your body, again, you'd be hurt (or dead).


I've used a 3 inch belt with a cam-lock that went around the back of the seat and across my chest. Short of tying a noose around your neck, I'm not sure if there's anything more unsafe than that.


I would start with people who race professionally and are disabled. They will be able to help you most, as we're just guessing. :redface:

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I'm in Northern Idaho and run over to Seattle all the time. Like I said, I'm still figuring this forum out. I have a class 16 vw powered single seater desert buggy with a 5 point and racing seat and I know I'm safe in that thing. I don't want to change the seat since it's so expensive for a decent one but I would really like a decent harness set up. These are the three point I was wondering about https://www.schrothracing.com/tuning/rallye/rallye-3
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moved from classifieds to interior. have closed your duplicate post since this one got all the hits.
258k miles - Stock engine/minor suspension upgrades/original shocks/rear struts replaced at 222k/4 passenger side wheel bearings/3 clutches/1 radiator/3 turbos
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  • I Donated
I wouldn't drive with the schroth on the street. I use my schroth rallye 4 for autocross but that's it. It's unsafe for street driving because it will compress your spine in a crash. The only safe way to run a harness on the street is with a cage/roll bar in the back. Good luck!
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