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Fuel door cable question

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So the cable finally $hit the bed for the fuel door popper and I'm not about to pull most of the interior to put a new cable in....yes I checked to make sure it wasn't something dumb.


The question though....do our fuel doors stay flush if you remove the clip that "locks" it shut. Or do they flop around or stay half open like when you use the release without something to hold it? B/c I'm fairly certain after prying it open a couple times it's not going to hold anymore. And the idea of my fuel door not being flush bothers me for some reason.

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if the cagle release is busted so that it does not hold the door closed,

it will stand open about 2 inches.

there is a spring clip bolted to the inside of the door near the hinge.

if you remove the spring clip it will stay closed .


then all you need is a small tool to pry it open that will not nick the paint.

i use a popsicle stick,

or one of those plastic bar code cards we carry on our key rings.

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Thank you much. I had considered cutting and stripping the outer cover on the cable back in the trunk/inner quarter leaving me to open my trunk to open the fuel door just so I didn't have it sticking out. But just pulling a spring out of the hinge will be alot easier. Exactly what I needed to know.


Not really sure why its such a peeve to me.

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