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98 2.2 Legacy won't start

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My girlfriend was given a 1998 Legacy 2.2 which was running but has needed some work. Last week while she was driving home from school, the car died. We got it towed to my place and I got it running after messing with wire connected to the coilpack. The car died again the next day, luckily she was a block away from her house. The car cranks and sounds like it is going to start but just isn't quite getting there.


We thought it was her fuel pump but that seems to be working, and her fuel filter works too. I replaced the coilpack, and it still won't start. I can't figure out what is going on with the car at all.


Anyone have any advice?

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Well there is were you need to start, no point in trying to guess when the car is trying to tell you what the problem might be. I ended up getting a centech scanner from harbor freight, for pretty cheap, it has already paid for itself many times over between using it on my cars and my friends cars.
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my daughter called me with the same symptoms a few weeks ago, people here told me cam or crank position sensor. sure enough, i scanned the CeL and it was. luckily mineis an intermittent issue, and usually we can wiggle the sensor/ harness and it will start. regardless, a new one is on the way this week. mebbe that could be your culprit?


as far as fuel pump goes, you can have a pump still push fuel but be bad, since it wont push enough to get the pressure needed for the system. id check the pressure on the fuel line before discounting the fuel pump.

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