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VAG-COM cables chipsets FT232RL CH340


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So after going crazy for 2 days and I have found out the following...


Many VAG-COM cables people have seemed to get some to work fully and some not at all. So I have come to the conclusion in the past all were FT232 chipset.. that's why all the old sticky's were driving me up the wall I was doing it all correct.. Now it seems they have a cheap china CH340 that wont work for ecuflash and I cant get it working with LV. so I have since found a FT232 and I will report back.


Add 409.1 FT232BL to the cable search.



If anybody has 2 cables that one works and one don't can you look to see what chipset works and what one don't or if they are the same.


I have attached images.





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This is what I believe was the issue with mine. I followed all the walkthroughs and could never get it to work. Mine was a CH340 chipset.


Ended up buying a Tactrix 2.0, so can't comment regarding the other chipset.

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Can't comment on which ones do not work, but mine is the 409.1 FT232BL. It works fine, other than wot disconnect issues that developed after about a year of use. I have no reason to believe that's cable related though.
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Well if I can save anybody even $10.00 by getting to the bottom of the hit or miss cable issues I will be happy. :) Sea, Maybe get a new FT232 cable? of you input FT232 when you search you should be able to get one, If my theory is correct.


Search the bay of e's for:


VW Audi Interface Scan Tool Code Reader Cable VCDS 409.1 FT232BL OBD2 OBDII

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  • Mega Users
Well if I can save anybody even $10.00 by getting to the bottom of the hit or miss cable issues I will be happy. :) Sea, Maybe get a new FT232 cable? of you input FT232 when you search you should be able to get one, If my theory is correct.


Search the bay of e's for:


VW Audi Interface Scan Tool Code Reader Cable VCDS 409.1 FT232BL OBD2 OBDII


I bought one that was recommended in one of the stickies. It was listed as the 409.1 FT232BL. I had no idea at the time that there were chipsets that would not work. I don't really have much need for WOT logging at the moment, so it can wait. It works fine for LV.

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for those who have a working cable that cuts out at wot, there is a tweak that might help. it involves adding a small capacitor between the k-line and ground. usually 0.1uF works, but some have had to go a bit larger.


edit: sorry, meant to say "usually 0.01uF works, but some have had to go a bit larger"

BtSsm - Android app/Bluetooth adapter. LV, logging, gauges and more. For 05-14 Legacy (GT, 2.5, 3.0, 3.6), 02-14 WRX, 04-14 STi, 04-14 FXT, 05-09 OBXT
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Here's mine.




This is the one sitting in my house as a backup. Last I checked it works with RR for logging but does NOT work with ECUFlash versions newer 1.29.


I'll have to check tomorrow. My other cable works with everything, including newest versions of LV, ECUFlash, and RR, so I'll get the chip for that.


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  • 3 weeks later...

So this is the one I just got... Fail again.. Maybe it is a scanner? and not just a cable? Or am I just doing it wrong... http://www.ebay.com/itm/171069553488?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649


So I'm going to get this one....




I am so annoyed

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, but here we go. Took me long enough.


The cable marked as BAD isn't really bad. It works fine with LearningView v1.0 RC3 as well as RR v0.5.6 RC6. It does NOT work with ECUFlash v1.42.2595 and I have not bothered to test it with ECUFlash v1.29. So for logging only, this cable is great.


The cable marked as GOOD works with EVERYTHING above including ECUFlash v1.42.2595.


As you can see from the photos, from the outside, the cables appear identical. (The ferrite core was added by me.) There are no distinguishing marks at all and you have to take it apart.


That's where the similarities end. The cables are internally very, very different.


The bad cable uses FT232RL while the good cable uses FT232BL. I don't know if another eBay cable that says it's BL will work the same however.... might be worth a shot for $10.







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This is a great post I wish I would have found it two days ago. lol I purchased The "bad" cable on amazon and even researched it and in the review section someone said the cable worked with programming on subaru's. It must be hit or miss which cable they send you. If anyone has a VAGCOM cable they know will work with programming I will buy it. I have been laid off and can't afford the Taxtrix right now.
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It worked for WOT logging for the first year. Then I developed the same problems that others have had with logging, whether it is with vag-com or tactrix. So it's not chipset related.


What problems? RR cuttign out above certain engine speeds?

So it's not cable related it's my ECU?

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When I had my 06 LGT I would have issues with the vag-com cable cutting out if too many parameters were selected during WOT. The issue went away, for me, after getting the tactrix cable. I have seen damage occur to the obd-2 port from people not being careful when installing their cable.
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Its not rpm dependent. It always cuts out at high throttle around peak torque for me. There's a thread on it somewhere. Some people have had the problem with several different cables, including tactrix.

This exactly.


I actually used to have this problem on my cable too but it seems to have gone away completely for the last few years. Don't know what ended up fixing it. It definitely was NOT the adding of the ferrite core although I don't think that hurt.


The consensus is that it is some sort of electrical interference, whether a bad ground, or voltage spike, or EM noise or something else.


A few people have modded their cables using a capacitor I think and it seems to have worked.

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