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Interior light all not working...help.

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Start with your owners manual. if you don't have one you can find one here; http://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php/second-gen-factory-service-manuals-literature-186552.html

(There... Now Zues Marine doesn't have to yell at you :lol:)


After that, check the bulb first. then check that you have power/ground. then check fuses. good luck

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Thanks guys. Gonna go check the manual. Didn't come with one. Already checked if bulbs were burnt. Gonna check if it has any voltage tomorrow. Just was seeing if this was a common problem. New to the subie community. Thanks for all the info!


No more common than any other cars dome light from what I've seen. but as far as known problems with the lights, illumination is where the problems are. First they are almost always burnt out on the hvac (fans and A/C controller) along with the hazard light. Second is that the illumination lights are always very dim. I mean to the point that you can't see that they're on in daylight.

Least with every second gen I've had the pleasure of driving. ;)


oh and I was just wondering, Do you have a Legacy GT with center dome light with map light in front.. Or the Outback with just the center dome and sunglasses holder in the front. [Which maybe deleted if you have a sunroof.]

If you have a GT and maps than you can check that. But I'm sure you thought of that.

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I have a legacy outback... I wish I had a GT. I realized today that the hazards don't work either. No I haven't installed anything. Just brought car 3 days ago. And just trying to fix all the minor things wrong before doing anything else. Already planning on lowering it later. Gotta save up some funds. Haha.


Yea I've noticed that in the daylight you can't see if the cluster lights are on.

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I have a legacy outback... I wish I had a GT. I realized today that the hazards don't work either. No I haven't installed anything. Just brought car 3 days ago. And just trying to fix all the minor things wrong before doing anything else. Already planning on lowering it later. Gotta save up some funds. Haha.


Yea I've noticed that in the daylight you can't see if the cluster lights are on.


I love my GT, but sometimes I wish I had the sunglasses holder instead of the map light I never use.

Kinda funny actually, I kept my prescription sunglasses in a Polo Ralph Lauren case above the shifter and one day I left my windows down and some moron walked by and stole the cheap sunglasses out of the case. not the case, just the glasses he can't use.


Have you gotten free time and just pulled every fuse yet? I did that in my first car. It fixed a bunch of stuff :lol:

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Ok, let me start this off by saying this project is not for the wimpy. I have a lift and every tool imaginable at my disposal.


There are a few advantages to doing this to your car.


1. Suspension options

A: BD/BG can use any GT/L or GDB length strut without compromising suspension angles

B: BH/BK can use GT/L or JDM GT-B/B4 suspension without compromising suspension angles.


2. Increased chassis stiffness lower center of gravity and faster suspension response.


I've done this project to my BH and BG out back they are very similar.


The parts that make an Outback an Outback:


Front: Cross member spacers, dropped rear control arm mounts, longer cross-member bolts, longer steering coupler, longer strut bodies.


Center: Longer Pitch stop, Dropped transmission cross members, dropped rear shifter bushing (5mt), lowered drive shaft carrier bearing, heat shield spacers.


Rear: Cross member spacers, front diff mount spacers, longer cross member bolts, dropped front trailing link mounts, dropped sway bar mounts (BG/BD), longer strut housings.



Front process:


Jack the car up and support the front frame rails so you can get to the rear control arm bolts.


Remove the rear mount bolts and remove the front bolts from the control arms. Let the arms dangle. Remove the rear bushing and replace it with a standard unit (RS/WRX/ALK). Repeat on the other side.


Support the front cross-member with a jack at the jack plate (a friend would be helpful here). remove the two 17mm nuts holding the passenger side of the cross-member up. remove the drop bolts from on top of the frame rail. Lower the jack slowly. when there is a gap in between spacer and the cross-member. The spacer is held to the frame rail with a plastic clip (BG/BK) or with bolts (BH/BK). Remove the spacer.


Replace the drop bolts with standard units (RS/WRX), jack the cross-member up and reinstall the two 17mm nuts loosely.


Remove the two steering coupler bolts. Secure the steering wheel in the straight position.


In the BH/BE you can opt to replace the steering rack with a WRX or 04' STi unit (fine splines) and coupler (no rag joint). You will have to collapse the steering column slightly (tap on the end with hammer) and invert the key spline in the steering coupler.


In the BG/BD you can use GC8 racks (coarse spline).


Remove the two passenger side 17mm nuts and let the jack down till you can remove the spacer. The steering wheel coupler will have to be removed to drop this side. Replace the steering coupler with a Legacy L/GT unit. lift the cross member back into position and tighten the four 17mm nuts. reinstall the steering coupler bolts. Reinstall the control arms.


Once you've reinstalled everything underneath you can replace the struts with the replacement of your choice just make sure they GT/L length.


Center Process:


Remove the center heat shield.


Support the transmission with a jack. Remove the transmission cross member. 5mt cars, replace the rear shifter bushing. Replace the transmission cross member with a standard GT/L one.


Remove the heat shield spacers.


Remove the drive shaft and replace with a standard unit. For this to save cost I simply removed the mount bushings and secured the shaft to the floor again. You will get a tad more noise inside but this is how GC8's are.


Rear Process:


Support the front of the diff with a jack. Remove the front diff mount bolts. lower the jack and remove the spacers. Jack up the diff and install GT/L length bolts.


Remove the bolts from the front trailing arm mounts, then remove them from the trailing links. Replace them with L/GT/WRX units. Reinstall the bolts


Disconnect the rear sway bar end links. (BG/BD)


Support the rear of the diff with a jack. Remove the cross member bolts. Lower the jack till you can remove the spacers. Jack the cross member back up to meet the body then install L/GT/WRX/RS length bolts.


Replace the rear struts with the L/GT/GT-B/B4 length struts.


BG/BD owners will have to swap out the rear sway bar mounts for L/GT/RS units. Reinstall the rear sway bar end links.



Common Parts (BH/BK/BD/BG):


Cross member Complete AT 41011AE00A (Auto Trans Cross Member)

Cross member Complete Front 41011AE020 (5mt Cross member Front)

Cross member Complete Rear 41021AC240 (5mt Cross member Rear)

Cushion Rubber-Gear Shift 35036AA010 (Rear Shifter Bushing)

Front cross member drop bolts 20540AA030

Transverse Link Bushing- RH 20201FA050 (Rear Control Arm Bushing)

Transverse Link Bushing- LH 20201FA060 (Rear Control Arm Bushing)

Rod Assembly-Pitching Stop 41040FA000 (Pitch Stop)


BE/BH Specific Parts list: (00' BH/BE GT Part Numbers)


Universal Joint Assembly 34170AE040 (Steering Coupler)

Trailing Arm Bracket- RH 20540AE000 (Front Trailing Link Mount)

Trailing Arm Bracket- LH 20540AE010 (Front Trailing Link Mount)

Flange Bolt 901000179 (Rear Cross Member Bolt)


BD/BG Specific Parts: (96' BD/BG GT Part Numbers)


Universal Joint Assembly 34160AE010 (Steering Coupler)

Trailing Arm Bracket- RH 20520AA030 (Front Trailing Link Mount)

Trailing Arm Bracket- LH 20520AA040 (Front Trailing Link Mount)

Flange Bolt 20540FC120 (Rear Cross Member Bolt)

Bracket-Stabilizer- RH 20520AA001 (Sway Bar Mounting Bracket)

Bracket-Stabilizer- LH 20520AA011 (Sway Bar Mounting Bracket)


Still working on some good quality pictures, not the best photo guy :lol:


If I missed anything let me know.


-Dylan @ DS1 Motorsports


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