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Come check out my car!


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Hi All,


Anyone that has great knowledge of Subbies/LGTs in the NYC area want to come by to check out my car? PM me.




Is it broken?


-Mike Paisan


http://www.pbase.com/paisan/image/91072632.jpg http://www.pbase.com/paisan/image/145749898/original.jpg http://www.pbase.com/paisan/image/133406601.jpg http://www.whiteline.com.au/images/logos/perf1.jpg

11+ Years Maintaining, Modifying and Educating TriState Subaru Enthusiasts.

Like us on Facebook! | E-mail: sales@azpinstalls.com | 725 Fairfield Ave | Kenilworth, NJ 07033 | 908.248.AZP1 (2971) |AIM: AZP Installs

"Race Tested, Enthusiast Approved!"

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Not broken, just hearing this thud when accelerating. Reading up on the forums and seems like it's normal, but mine makes the noise during cold and warm. Has the stock uppipe, hoping the cat hasn't fallen off and fluttering around.


You are more than welcome to contact us and make an appointment to check it out for you. We've got TONS of experience with subies and Legacies in particular.


-Mike Paisan


http://www.pbase.com/paisan/image/91072632.jpg http://www.pbase.com/paisan/image/145749898/original.jpg http://www.pbase.com/paisan/image/133406601.jpg http://www.whiteline.com.au/images/logos/perf1.jpg

11+ Years Maintaining, Modifying and Educating TriState Subaru Enthusiasts.

Like us on Facebook! | E-mail: sales@azpinstalls.com | 725 Fairfield Ave | Kenilworth, NJ 07033 | 908.248.AZP1 (2971) |AIM: AZP Installs

"Race Tested, Enthusiast Approved!"

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Here is a video of the engine starting (cold start) with a couple of revs:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4k6Ls-ilzQ]Engine noise - YouTube[/ame]


Another video of the car starting (cold) closer to the turbo/passenger side and revving (longer video):


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQdrmSc6p2Q]Starting noise and idle/rev - YouTube[/ame]


Inside the cabin while driving, i would hear a thudding noise when ever i press the accelerator. Does this sound like a normal Boxer engine to you? I put a thicker oil Castrol Syntec 5w-50, because it seems like 5w30 thinned when the engine got hotter.

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I put a thicker oil Castrol Syntec 5w-50, because it seems like 5w30 thinned when the engine got hotter.


:spin::spin::spin: Hot oil will always be thinner than cold oil. Think about candle wax before and after you burn the candle. Doesn't mean it's not working. 5W50 is probably too thick on cold starts.

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