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Posts posted by Terrd

  1. Hey legacy forums,


    I'm looking for a fix for my 2005 legacy, I get absolutely nothing when I try to start it.


    Battery is good, fuses might not be, the main fuse looks fine and the ignition fuses under the drivers wheel are fine.


    The problem happened when I was trying to change the post-cat o2 sensor and I removed the air intake including the plug which is connected to it. (in assuming it's just a temperature sensor)


    When I turned the car on after the o2 sensor was installed I noticed I forgot to plug the intake temperature sensor back in, so I plugged that in while it was on and everything just shut down completely, haven't been able to find any fixes anywhere.


    Let me know if anyone has any idea what it could be!




    Edit: just did some research, it's the air mass sensor, not a temperature sensor.

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