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Posts posted by Scoopinit

  1. I'm sorry if there's already a bunch of posts about this specific issue, but i've been trying to google search this and i just don't know enough terminology to describe my problem briefly to successfully do a search.


    So basically I bought a crap legacy that i really should have done a check up on before i bought it, but I've just had to learn the hard way.


    Right now my car is on it's last leg and has a million problems with it, but with this specific issue I just want to make sure it's not an easy fix or something that could give me a bit extra time with this car while I'm trying to save up money to buy something not horribly broken.


    Bit of a background, probably the shittiest thing about having bought this car is the fact that the previous owner told me he had just had the clutch replaced on it two months prior to me buying it. However two months later after I bought it I could tell there was something horribly wrong with the clutch. My stepdad at the time was a mechanic and took a look at it, turns out it hadn't been replaced right, or at least not all the parts that should have been replaced weren't, and the old components that were already ruined just ruined the new parts that were put in. Sorry I'm not sure what those parts were or exactly what went wrong, but basically I had to have the clutch replaced again right after it had been replaced.


    Not sure my stepdad did a good job himself either, because while it was driveable after he replaced it again it didn't quite feel as smooth and new as I expected a newly replaced clutch to be. It's been fine for the past two years since it was replaced again for the most part, but now I'm doing pizza delivery on it for about a month now and i knew it was going to be hard on it. This problem I've noticed happening occasionally over the past couple years but pizza delivery has definitely sped up this decline in its functionality.


    Alright so this is what has been happening with it. I'm having trouble having the clutch catch in first gear from stop. It's really only an issue when I have to start from stop on an incline. I have no problems with the stick going into first gear. basically the car needs to have enough momentum otherwise if I start to let the clutch pedal out all the way it just shudders horribly and will kill the car if I do let it out all the way before it catches into first gear properly. There is no sweet spot with the clutch and gas when i'm trying to engage at an incline. basically i've just been doing my best to let the clutch out slightly while revving the gas heavily to get it to get some momentum, putting the clutch petal back in before it starts to shudder horribly, and going back and forth with this cycle of letting the clutch out and pushing back in trying not to let the car shutter too much anywhere between 2-5 times before i'm able to get enough momentum for the car to let me let the clutch out all the way and properly engage 1st gear without killing it. It's a slow process that frustrates the cars behind me as i struggle to get the car to creep, then as soon as i'm able to let the clutch out all the way I have no problems with the clutch, shifting gears, and accelerating otherwise.


    I hope there's not too many possibilities with what this issue could possibly be. Any ideas what's going on that my car is acting like this in first gear on inclines?

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