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Posts posted by charlierocket

  1. I've been having issues with grinding first gear. Its much more noticeable down shifting or taking off from a rolling start. But it can happen from a dead stop as well if I push the gear shift too far to the side.


    I thought it was a synchro but then i noticed its harder to shift into 2nd at certain speeds as well...or possibly once its been warmed up and driven around a bit.


    So i was thinking clutch, but the clutch itself feels pretty heavy and tries to disengage pretty far back. It makes a chirping noise all the time though and i barely have to push it in, not even disengaging it, to make the chirp stop. I read about a spring that does that. Thing is i dont think its actually disengaging until i push it all the way to the floor, no matter how much tension it feels like it has.


    Compared to gauging a failing clutch in a honda, it doesnt make sense to me.


    Is this the clutch going out or does it just need an adjustment?

  2. Hi Guys, 2001 Legacy GT wagon here. I have some confusion about this car.


    For one, the gear box feels really tight and the shift throw is stupid short. Are these like this stock? It really feels like someone installed a short shifter.


    Also, the block says EJ25 only. Not EJ25D, or EJ257 etc. ..just EJ25. What EJ25 is that?


    Thank You!

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