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Posts posted by Chance1389

  1. I am a first time subaru owner,with no prior knowledge to anything subaru, and I just bought this same car. I am having no luck finding parts/ service manuals, or forums on this car, in fact, this is the first thread I have seen referencing this car. I have several questions I was hoping somebody could help me with.


    1. Where is a good place to get parts?

    2. Where can I get a service manual?

    3. I have the Haynes Manual for the 2000-2009 Legacy, but it is for the 2.5l motor, is this book of any use to me? ie for repair procedures?

    4.Will general parts, Brakes, rotors,filters,etc be the same on the 2.5 as the 2.0?

    Thanks in advanced.

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