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Posts posted by thyde454

  1. I know that this is an old thread, but it is one of the first search results in Google so I hope this helps someone out there. Let me start by saying this is being done on a 98 OBW 2.5 automatic transmission, your results may vary.


    If you remove the bezel and gently pull out the instrument cluster, pull the left side of the cluster out towards you. Without unplugging anything you will be able to see a gray harness plugged in at the very top left corner. The bottom wire white with green stripe is the ground to the piezo speaker that makes the door chime. Cut that wire, cap it for safety, and the car will no longer be able to make that chime but will otherwise have no idea what you've done, so no other system will be affected using this method.


    Hopefully this helps someone out there who has unplugged something and then some other thing doesn't work or whatever. Think of this like literally disconnecting one speaker from your car stereo, everything else will still work perfectly fine you just won't ever hear that speaker again. 035a2003bac3cb9e0cf060de9b5f2980.jpg


    Sent from my cp3705A using Tapatalk

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