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Posts posted by zippytek

  1. Update complete, everything looking good for the most part, aside from having to set all the presets and favs and re-pairing devices.


    One thing I did notice, and maybe this is something that needs a setting change somewhere? the little mini dash widget that toggles between digital speedo, compass, nav, fuel gauge etc no longer displays the directional heading. Just the red arrow. Hmm, any ideas?


    Many thanks to protivakid for sending the update files. you're the real mvp

  2. right on, I get that...


    when making a service appt they don't have an option for "software updates" that i've seen, and checking the "outstanding recalls" box doesn't satisfy this. so I guess you need to explicitly request an update and pay a premium to get it if you aren't on to the SOA downloads website, or feel comfortable flashing the HU yourself.

  3. "Let sleeping dogs lie."

    ... or ...

    "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."


    :lol: the outback is her vehicle, so when it is most certainly "broke" I am the one expected to fix it.


    i started digging in on this issue bc of the clock, but her complaint has been the XM traffic being worthless lately. I don't know if this will be corrected but I am hoping...she used to rave about that feature as she has a miserable commute through the busiest section of this area every day and it would neatly direct her to the path of least resistance. happy wife and all that...

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