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Posts posted by Yonas

  1. So I am sad to say as of today I still don't have my car. My dealer told me the factory is closed and they have no idea of status. They told me they only found 2 xt limited cars in the entire US with a vin number. They offered a refund of my deposit. I have a feeling I may never get this car.


    My local dealer has a wrx limited in the lot, I went and looked at it but it's small and not the same.


    Why not? Because you can't get it this week you can never get it? Subaru going out of business?

  2. If that's the literal line item breakdown of what they're charging you for, more than a few things are redundant: "Replace spark plugs" & "Replace spark plugs on all models", "Inspect and adjust all fluid levels including both diffs" and then listing replacing the AT fluid, front diff fluid, and rear diff fluid on separate line items, I have no idea what "AT learning" is, but it's definitely not something the dealership ever did or mentioned when they replaced my AT fluid. Spark plugs on the 3.6R is a pretty labor intensive service, but $1000 seems excessive, even in $CAD. My dealership charged me around $600 USD for it, and lifting the engine is not necessary unless they're not that familiar with the 3.6.


    Truthfully, it's a pretty good comprehensive list even though some of it is fluff, but it seems tailored to someone who has ABSOLUTELY no idea what they're doing with a car other than driving it, and has no intention of learning. A lot of this stuff could be easily handled on your own to save labor time/cost. Tire pressure is the easiest thing in the world to check and adjust with a $1 pressure gauge from any auto parts store, as well as rotating tires if you have access to a jack and jack stands. If you know anything about brakes, lubing them is not difficult and worth learning on your own. Spark plugs I'd leave to the dealership just cause they are a pain in the arse on the 3.6. Oil changes and general fluid changes are pretty straight forward as well. Things like lubricating all the hinges and charging you for it seems like utter fluff. Pick up a can of silicone lube and just squirt each hinge yourself. The overall price for this seems pretty steep for this, but it is a pretty comprehensive service list to be fair.


    They gave me a breakdown. I cheated by copying and pasting from their website. They just gave me the generic 96k maintenance package.


    I'd *like* to do the fluid changes myself... but...


    13% tax where I live...


    Is a shortblock on that list? TLDR


    and the kitchen sink....


    Perform AT learning :lol:


    in other news, stealership is a stealership


    I gotta pay them to drive my car?! heh

  3. 2010 Legacy 3.6r Canada


    Took my car for service and Subaru said I gotta do this and the bill came out to $5k? What do you guys think? Anyone do this service how much did it cost you?


    Spark plugs is over $1000 they said they have to lift the motor???



    Scheduled maintenance for 96,000 km / 72 Months


    Replace engine oil and filter

    Inspect and adjust all fluid levels including both differentials

    Rotate tires and inspect for wear. Perform wheel alignment if necessary (additional charge)

    Adjust all tire pressures including spare tire

    Service and lubricate front and rear brakes *

    Inspect brake pads and linings

    Inspect axle boot condition

    Inspect operation of all lights, wipers and washers

    Inspect and adjust drive belt tension if necessary

    Lubricate all latches, hinges and locks (hood, doors, fuel door and trunk lid)

    Test engine coolant for strength (-35°C) and inspect hoses and clamps

    Inspect air filter and replace if necessary

    Inspect cabin air filter and replace if necessary

    Replace spark plugs

    Service fuel injection system (Terra Clean)

    Replace transmission fluid (Automatic, Manual and CVT)

    Perform AT bleeding

    Perform AT learning on 4AT, 5AT and CVT

    Replace front differential oil on AT and CVT

    Replace rear differential oil

    Replace spark plugs on all models

    Road test vehicle

  4. where did you find the time and money to test all of the available LED kits?:spin: As a drop-in, the newer LED offerings use a narrower set of LEDs that more closely captures the shape/position of the filament in the bulbs they replace - I would think they'd be very good... certainly the reviews suggest they are.


    IMO they are good especially in a projector headlight like ours.


    It used to be LED would overheat and burnout. That's not the case anymore.

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