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Status Updates posted by Pleides

  1. Yo what's going on Andrew!

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    2. Febreze Mee

      Febreze Mee

      It looks really good, but no I have not gotten the feel for it yet. I'll probably spend some time on this weekend replying and updating threads to get more familiar with it. I'm very happy to see this transition though. I wonder if this happened in response to the "Thanks" button's disappearance, or if that was just a coincidence and this was all happening any way.




    3. Febreze Mee

      Febreze Mee

      I'll be shooting down to Vancouver, WA tomorrow afternoon/evening to pick up that 5MT off of Rhino, on here. Are you working tomorrow?

    4. Pleides


      I think the financials of everything were why the admins opted to move to IPBoard. I've used IPBoard plenty prior and it's a substantial QOL improvement. I am working from 7AM to 6 PM tomorrow, and may have homework to do when I get home. I'll let ya know. I live in North Plains currently (for another month before I move even further from PDX to Forest Grove) and a quick shot up to Portland or Vanc is not as quick anymore, but I'd love to meet ya!

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