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Status Replies posted by Pleides

  1. Yo what's going on Andrew!

    1. Pleides


      I think the financials of everything were why the admins opted to move to IPBoard. I've used IPBoard plenty prior and it's a substantial QOL improvement. I am working from 7AM to 6 PM tomorrow, and may have homework to do when I get home. I'll let ya know. I live in North Plains currently (for another month before I move even further from PDX to Forest Grove) and a quick shot up to Portland or Vanc is not as quick anymore, but I'd love to meet ya!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Yo what's going on Andrew!

    1. Pleides


      I love it dude! You getting the feel for it?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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