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The Don

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Posts posted by The Don

  1. spotted: at white castle (10-11pm monday august 28th, 2007)








    i think you were inside eating.. and when i stepped in to use br, you left. because your car was gone when i came back out.


    here's mine. i was on the other side of white castle. wondering if you saw me though








    your white lgt looked freakin SICK... love the rims and how clean you kept your car



    Ya thats me...I was eatin with my boy in there i didnt see your car...went to that little meet then left when we got kicked out and got food..there everyone was..didnt stay tho

  2. i spotted a couple of blank stares this weekend....

    white, wingless GT on East Glen (?) <-the other side of the hill between 17 & pascack, up the road from bacari grill

    ...and i can't tell the difference between the newport blue and the atlantic blue if they are not side by side?!?


    When on the weekend was the white one seen..I got a wing but i live right behind the bacari grill

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