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Posts posted by DEAD SE-RIOUS

  1. Initial impressions: The combo of Koyorad and STI thermostat is pretty great. Ambient temps were 90F. Drove for about 15-20 min around the area. Stopped at lights, got on the freeway up to 65 mph and temps ranged from 178-185F with cruising temp pegged at 180F once the engine warmed up. Typically I'd see temps ranging from 187-201F with a cruising temp of 190F.



    Where are you located? If you’re only seeing 185° so far with an ambient temp of around 90° that’s awesome. I’m from NYC we get a mix of hot/cold. That’s gonna suck come winter when it’s around 32° sometimes lower. The heat won’t most likely get very warm. I’m definitely interested in upgrading the cooling on mine as well.

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