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Posts posted by S.O.B.06xt

  1. Did you remove the bolts that attach the torque converter to the flywheel?


    The fluid that spilled is most likely transmission fluid from your torque converter. It is an open system once you separate it from the transmission.


    nope. would those be the bolts thru the thin plate, into the TC, with the heads facing behind the TC ( between the TC and the engine? - I was thinking that thin plate came off with the TC. )?


    I assume I have to rotate the crank to gain access to all 4?


    And thank you v. much for the info on the transmission fluid - Was concerned I broke something.




  2. I just pulled my XT's engine to replace a turbo and rework its oiling and the torque converter stayed attached to the engine - and prying gently to moderately, can't get it to come out.


    the FSM entry for removal of the torque converter simply says:


    24.Torque Converter Assembly


    1) Remove the transmission assembly from vehicle

    body. <Ref. to 5AT-34, REMOVAL, Automatic

    Transmission Assembly.>

    2) Pull out the torque converter and oil pump shaft



    ... and it's not moving. I get hints of movement as I try to apply uniform pressure from 2 sides, rock it a bit, but right now the engine is dangling from the shop crane and I don't have great leverage.


    ALSO, possibly related, I'm wondering if I damaged either the transmission -side or TC -side by jacking either up at too extreme an angle:


    When I pulled the engine a slow stream of red started from the transmission side; the puddle underneath the car now looks like a crime scene - about 3' wide puddle. did I lunch a seal?



    All help appreciated - I'd like to get this engine on its stand,



    Edit - looking closer at that FSM page, it appears the removal is from the *transmission* -- mine is stuck on the engine. The posts I've found have referred to partial rotations to install the TC into the transmission. I haven't found any procedure to deal with this.

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