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Posts posted by GMonet

  1. Hello,


    Beware of Xenonpro.com


    This is my first post and I just wanted to warn anyone looking for alternative headlights to the factory halogens to avoid this website.


    I googled "LED Headlights" and Xenonpro is one of the first on the list that comes up as a result. I enter the website and begin shopping around. "9,500 5 star reviews" is one of the first banners you see on their website, so it must be good, right? I find the LED Headlight section and they have three options, 25W, 35W, and 45W. These bulbs are advertised as:


    "XenonPro.com provides you Latest Generation LED Headlights Kits. Our LED kits are manufactured to the highest quality standards ISO 9001-2000. We only use premium German Bulbs & Drivers. Extremely simple and quick installation, plug and play."


    And a lifetime warranty! Sounds great! I purchase the 35W bulbs and they arrive in two days after ordering.


    At the bottom of this post (still trying to figure out how to structure posts) on the left is what I received, and on the right is what is advertised.


    Red flag #1 goes up. But this isn't the first time I've bought something online and something that looks different shows up, especially with car parts, so I let it go. I install one side and check them out. Inside the housing, the light looks great, but the light didn't travel further than 10 feet from the front of the car. The next morning, I e-mail them and ask for advice if the 45W would solve this problem or if I should be using HIDs. I get a response saying I should be talking to their "Help Chat" found on the website. So I do and ask the same question and I am told that the 45W would travel further and I'd be happy. So I ask to return the 35W and I'm told to order the 45W, which I do. I inform the representative I placed my order and he issues an RMA to me and states he will waive the restocking fees (red flag #2, I wasn't aware of any restocking fees during purchase, return policy is stated in a separate part of the website, away from where you do your ordering). The return address? Quebec, Canada. An Apartment building. Maybe just a small operation or something (Red Flag 3#) I had looked on their website about where they were located and they have an address in North Carolina, why couldn't I ship it back there? Everything was feeling really weird to me at this point but I pressed forward. Shipped the bulbs back, costing me $23.


    Two days after the new bulbs show up. They look exactly the same except these ones are missing the sticker that states the wattage on the driver. Now I am feeling like a fool. I plug them in, they look exactly the same. I began investigating online on my own and go back to google images and type in "LED Headlights" and find the exact same bulbs from the producing company called Prima - http://www.ledcarlightbar.com/sale-9539644-4000lm-h11-led-headlight-bulb-6000k-cold-white-40w-power-aluminium-alloy.html


    I explore Prima's website(Factory in Guangzhou, China) and see they don't even offer a 45W option. But these bulbs look exactly the same as the ones I pictured at the bottom.


    The next morning, I contact their Help Chat, here's a transcript:


    Chat started

    XenonPro Customer



    Louis C joined the chat

    Louis C


    how may i help?


    XenonPro Customer

    I would like to return order #130012636. I ordered the 35W the first time and returned those because they did not adequately work in my factory housing on my vehicle. I tried the 45W and same problem. :(


    Louis C

    ok sure no problem

    i would just need to mention that restocking fees would have to be deducted from the refund

    of both orders


    XenonPro Customer

    So, you mean to tell me, $50 in shipping of product that I was unsatisfied with, and on top of the shipping cost, you want to deduct even more money from me and I am left empty handed with no product that I am satisfied with?


    Louis C

    did you read the return policy prior to purchasing?


    XenonPro Customer

    And you waived the first restocking fee from the first order, correct? And now, that I have to return the second set of lights, that exclusion is now voided?


    Louis C

    that is correct

    the restocking fees were waived because you placed a new order

    now that its going back, both orders need to be deducted the restocking fees.

    the RMA has been issued

    you should receive it shorlty in your inbox

    look out for it in your junk mail as it may end up in there


    I'll save you the rest of me protesting the restocking fees for both orders, if it had been fees for one set, I'd have chalked it up to a learning experience. But for both? I spent a total of $320 for both sets of lights and their restock fee is 20%. So they were going to collect $64 in restocking fees, on top of the $46 I spent sending back both sets of bulbs.


    This has been a sh*t show. Maybe I am completely in the wrong but when I spoke to my card issuer, they said I have a good case to dispute this. I should have read the forums before launching this endeavor because I've come to the conclusion to just do an HID conversion and be happy. Sorry for the long post, but I just want to help people from falling in the same hole as me with this company.





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