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Posts posted by iDylanBowman

  1. Stopping the light can work, it displays any warning lights on the screen describing exactly what happens leaving a warning light on for the screen itself. The warning lights don't leave anything for a scanner to see, it's just a light with nothing you can do. The airbag light does the same. But all warning lights will show on the screen on the newer cluster
  2. When I did this I used a non eye sight 2.5i cluster, the issue I just had last week was that since the newer one has a fb25 instead of a ej25 the check engine light is one. The car failed emissions and now to pass I have to reprogram the original cluster. It cost me at the dealer $135 to do it the first time. With all the trouble I would just stay with the original.
  3. the temp gauge works. the mileage can be changed and no the it did not revert back. i was the one that did it on facebook, you guys just took the light being on as something but it just happened to blink when i took the picture. it works as intended with all the features. just have two warning lights on. im still working on ways to see if i can fix the lights
  4. I have looked and found no info on this, so i found one for $30 to give it a try. As I plugged it in it all works. The immobilizer wouldn't let the car start but that was obvious. But I took the car up to the dealer and they reprogrammed it to work, the mileage couldn't be changed but they gave me paperwork stating the mileage it was done at so there will not be any confusion if i sell it. There is 2 side effects to doing this i have noticed, may or may not be a fix for it either. But the airbag light is on, also the check engine light is on. The dealer ran the codes and found nothing, The dealer and I both think it is due to the different wheel and features of the newer model. The Lens on the cluster is scrached up, it was $30 so i expected it. But the lens can be changed from the original anyway. Here is pictures of it in the car. It is a 2.5i Limited




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