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Posts posted by LuckyProfessional

  1. On 1/7/2024 at 10:50 PM, aero901 said:

    Has anyone ventured into the photogrammetry route for making a 3D model? I've had OK results getting an underbody model of an Outback for some bracing/skidpan stuff I'm designing using this method. The model resolution is coarse, almost too coarse for my needs (ie. difficult to locate precise chassis bolt points), but would be an improvement for CFD based on what I've seen posted in this thread.  I haven't tried doing the rest of the car since it wasn't needed for my project, but a good camera and a decent PC are the only equipment needed to fill in the blanks. My model was created with the car on a lift (notice the support arms?) meaning the suspension is at full droop. This was good for my purposes but probably not for CFD. It would be difficult to edit the wheels/linkages back to a normal resting position. Might be more time efficient to start from scratch with a car supported on the wheels.

    To create the model I used Meshroom, MeshLab, (both free), and my 25mp DSLR camera (not so free 😛). Around 440 full res TIFF images and ~16hrs of CPU time were used to generate the mesh. I have an OK workstation (6core Ryzen 1500, 64gb RAM, Nvida GTX 750 Ti, 64bit Win7). It sounds like some of you have access to much more computing power than this which could speed up the process considerably.  MeshLab also allows merging different scans so a large model like a car can be assembled in pieces. MeshLab can export as STLs which most CAD packages can deal with.

    FYI, high resolution handheld laser scanners are also getting pretty cheap. The Einscan Einstar is going for around $1k and has sub mm resolution. Need a good Win10/11 PC/laptop to run it though.




    idk if these models have an underbody, but they are high poly. facelift sedan and wagon. id buy em if you think you could somehow put your scan onto it. i really want to know what is most effective on these cars, wing vs spoiler



    At least in Missouri theyre phasing in emissions inspections that include checks for exhaust leaks. The tech runs his hands along the length of the exhaust feeling for escaping gas. If theres any, the car is an instant fail. Hogzaust is in and of itself an exhaust leak. They will however pass your car if you wrap it with some heat reflective tape, exhaust wrap, and hose clamps, so if you're getting your Hogzaust cars inspected, check your states test for this and wrap the muffler flange.

  3. Mine has always been stiff and heavy, and it hasn't got notably worse or better since ive had it. Always just wrote it off as a heavy clutch. My shop told me they looked at it and couldn't find anything wrong with it, too. It might not be normal, but it is common, and hasn't seemed to wear the clutch down. Youll just get a big left leg is all haha.
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