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Posts posted by rhombus

  1. In this thread last October I commented on the installation of a 20mm RSB on my 2017 Legacy Limited. I ordered it through my dealer and I had them install it. No questions. No concerns from the service manager. No problems.


    If ever a problem would have arisen concerning warranty matters, it certainly would have when I ordered the part through the dealer from whom I bought the car, and/or when they installed it.


    I have the tools and knowledge to do this myself, but I'm at a stage in my life when I'm now delegating some things to others.


    I have no regrets having installed a 20mm RSB. Suspension design and geometry is inevitably a trade-off. If I wanted a marshmallow ride, I'd go find a 1962 Olds 98 (I owned one in the late 1960s). Now *that* was a marshmallow ride. Today's suspension technology is light years from back in the day. With my Soob and its 20mm RSB I perceive that I lost a bit gentler ride over some potholes while gaining a good measure of lateral stability in turns and corners. Well worth it.

  2. I weighed in on this thread back in October. I bought a 2017 Limited in September and a month later I had the dealer install a 20mm RSB. I now have nearly 6k miles on this vehicle, and I couldn't be more pleased. There's very little lean in sweeping on-ramps on limited-access highways. With the rear more stable, the front end stays on track better on rural roads where crowns and dips challenge tracking and stability.


    No regrets. I am so thankful for finding this thread active last October. While there are known technical differences between 19mm and 20mm, if I had a 19mm from the factory, likely I wouldn't have moved to 20mm. But 16mm to 20mm is a real improvement. There's certainly a place for 22mm and heavier, but I'm quite pleased with what a 20mm provides in my circumstances.



  3. I've been driving two and a half weeks with a 20mm bar on my 2017 Legacy Limited. The car is solid and level on turns (like cloverleaf entries and exits on Interstate highways). I drove a month with the stock bar, and as solid as this 20mm is working for me I'd never go back.


    This swap was a no-brainer. This was an excellent choice, and I can directly credit the conversation of this thread for my decision.


    As an aside, I don't quite know how to compare 19mm vs. 20mm. I know their respective technical specs, but as to practical application to just tighten up an otherwise stock Legacy, either one is likely a good move over stock. As it happened, a 20mm was $25 dollars cheaper through my dealer than a 19mm. I was leaning towards a 20mm anyway, so that sealed it.

  4. I ordered a 20mm RSB (native to the WRX) through my dealer. The price was about the same as online. I bought the car new from them four weeks earlier. They installed it with no questions. A dealer part installed by a dealer on a new vehicle: I cannot see why they would have done that if warranty would be an issue, especially with a new customer.
  5. I bought a 2017 Legacy Limited 2.5 a month ago. I live 125 miles from Van Bortel Subaru in Victor, NY, and I drove home on 9/7 on mostly Interstate highways. A wandering motion was evident at highway speeds from the beginning. From my own experience I figured it was a suspension problem. I found this forum, and my suspicion deepened. Monday i had the dealer order a 20mm sway bar (stock on WRX), and they installed it today. I could have done this myself but I'm getting to be an old guy now and paying the dealer for the requisite half hour of installation time was worth it to me.


    We just arrived home a bit ago. What a difference. I was told that I was the first Legacy owner in recent times to swap out the rear sway bar, and their technician who drove it before returning it to me remarked on the substantial difference comparing stock to 20mm. Dealership staff have done this to their personal vehicles, but it seems I was the first customer.


    I kept the old one and whenever I trade this car it will go with it. Until then I've solved the wandering issue, maybe ninety percent or more.


    Yesterday I drove the car on a back country State road, with a hill that dropped off into a bridge spanning a ravine. That transition would not exist this way if the road had been designed in the past twenty years. My guess is that there is lots of older designed infrastructure in rural areas of New York State, and they won't be fixed any time soon. When I drove over the hill and down onto the bridge that spanned the ravine, the car experienced what I regard as compromised rear stability and the front end moved quickly back and forth maybe three times. I knew enough to hold center and not correct (so as to avoid over-correcting). I'll be on that road again next week, and we'll see how it goes. But I think a 20mm sway bar is a real game-changer.


    Thank you sincerely to all who've weighed in on this. I'm brand new to this forum, and I am so thankful for the thoughtful contributions that allowed me to improve this fine car in a genuinely meaningful way.



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