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Posts posted by bullit

  1. That's 13 deaths too many for a device that is supposed to save your life.


    Europe might not have as many affected vehicles because their airbags don't have to be as violent as US airbags (something about Europe's airbag is complimentary to seat belts, while US ones need to be safe enough for those not buckled in.)


    Across Europe is necesary the seat belts while you driving, don´t in the US? i don´t know this.

  2. Or maybe Europeans aren't flipping idiots. They are probably weighing the very small number of people who have actually been injured against the number of times airbags have saved people, and are also considering the environmental factors of High Heat and Humidity that contribute to the failures, whereas in the US, if ONE person dies in an accident, we flip the f*%# out and demand that no one ever die again.


    in case you save a live changing all the modules, is profitable. a life is invaluable.



    ford tried to calculate cost in the 70´s... remember ford pinto and the consequences...

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