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Posts posted by Yebbey

  1. At any rate, if you do decide you want some trans work done by me, we'll just put your car on ramps, zip off the pan and VB, drink a couple sodas as we modify it, and put it back. Unlike last time you came by, I might have to charge you a little for the physical uninstall/reinstall because I just don't have the free time I use to, but nothing as crazy as regular shop prices.



    this will be on my radar. I've got a kid coming in 2 months, so we'll see if i can find time.


    Last time, you paid me...with your wife's spanish rice....heheh. but yes, you definitely deserve payment for all your work.

  2. man, this is why i hate this site.

    Just when I say I’m done with modding everything (vb just done), something else comes up to make it safer or better…..or faster.

    I’m already considering what I’ll have to do for a turbo when the one I just put in goes….. well, if I buy the bnr turbo in the near future, then I can…blah blah blah…..

    I love my car and everything I’ve modded.

    All this banter just to say that I’d like to get in line for this modded center diff.

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